Monday, September 1, 2014

Chuck Baby! Chuck Brown Memorial Park

Park Info

I can be a bit long winded, but for this entry there are very few words needed so I will keep this post short, sweet and most importantly, relevant. I took a visit to Chuck Brown Memorial Park today and was pleasantly rewarded. The park itself is immaculate, with a children's playground, tennis courts, basketball courts (glass) across the street, a bike trail and rolling hills, it really is a work of art on its own, but the job that was done on the Memorial really blew me away. It's classy, whimsical and appropriate. From the shiny, polished silver, to the pictures that seem to be alive, I think they (planning folks) really got this right, the only thing missing is an actual recording of Run Joe playing as you walk around, but I find it hard to imagine that anyone that knows his music and spirit doesn't have their own sound track of their favorite God Father songs playing in their head.

When I was in high school, back in the day, I remember playing Go Go Swing when my father walked in and quickly told me that I was singing Misty's Blues. Until then I swore I hated every and all forms of jazz, but leave it to Chuck to open my mind to something that I was unfamiliar with and make me not only open up, but love it. I imagine he had that effect on everyone that listened to his music. In fact I guess even in death he still has that effect, always the elder state's man but rocking out the youngins'. If there is anyone more deserving of a memorial, I surly have never heard of them.

 Trust me, these pictures don't do this place the justice it deserves so please go out, take the kids and a camera and check it out for yourself.